Inktober Day 15: OUTPOST

You who stand watch over my heart, posted by the entrance as you observe every feeling that go in and out of it; how are you today?

You who made a comfortable bed out of my heart muscles and veins; sipping my pumped blood for refreshment; how are you today?

You made a home out of the shelter of my ribs, you lit a fire in me when you said you loved me.

On that same day you took custody of my heart, lock and key. You made yourself lord of my life source and have been at the gate, observing, working, watching… I want to know: how are you today?

Inktober Day 12: SLIPPERY

Love and the art of loving is a tricky thing.
No one tells you about the tears.
No one tells you about the heart ache.
No one talks about the ups and downs of such a beautiful feeling.
We all know rose bushes have thorns…why did we think different about love?
I have loved and am in love.
I have cried.
I have been broken to pieces and healed again…both by love.
I have died and been resurrected by love.
It is a beautiful slippery slope that is inevitable when you’re in it.
Gear up.
If you fall, stand up again.
If you’re lucky, you get to fall beside the right one who will always help you back up.

Inktober Day 11: DISEASE

We lie behind our smiles.
Each day is remote.
The motions, we go through them.
Ignoring our aching backs and bleeding feet.
We fight a silent war with ourselves.
We ignore the shortness of breath.
Heaving lungs.
The blood pouring from our eyes.
We ignore the warning signs.
We are dying.
Through it all, we still have time to smile.
It’s all lies.

Inktober Day 9: THROW

Bang on my head.
Bang on my heart.
Squeeze out the tender parts of me and make me hard.
Douse the flame of passion in my eyes.
Cut the green love and uproot the tree of words spoken and promises planted.
Tear me down.
Break me to pieces.
Get rid of me.

Inktober Day 7: FANCY

I walk into the room and I see their heads turn. They all want to know who just walked in.

I don’t check for any faces in search of recognition or familiarity; I know that I know one or two people here but they don’t matter right now.

Tonight is all about me.

I access my vanity when my mind has abandoned me for gritty streets and mental bomb-laden journeys.
Today was one of such days so I am armed in my vanity as I take on the night world.

Tonight I was able to walk away from the blade…again. It was a close call this time but even the self that gets locked up when death comes calling had some strength to get me away from the looming end…again.

Praises to the universe for a fighter. Even though I have lost many battles, I always live to fight another day.

So as a celebration of overcoming the grim reaper yet again, I got up off the bathroom floor, washed away the stench of the near-death experience and got dressed.

I adorned myself in my shiniest and gaudiest jewellery, wore my highest heels and tightest dress. I pulled my thickest fur coat from the top shelf were I stashed it and doused my new layers in perfume.
Beholding myself in the mirror, I nodded in pleasure.
This armor has been approved by the gods so I hailed a taxi.

Tonight, is all about victory. Tonight is about me. Tonight, we dance to the gods of our life and laugh at death as we say, “Not today, not today, not today.”