Secrets 3

Mel gasped and looked up at Dozie.
Dozie looked from the man to Mel.
“I don’t recall giving you permission to look at anyone pet, don’t make things worse for yourself”
Mel’s eyes immediately fell to the floor, her face flushed and her breathing picking up speed. She felt like she would faint and scream at the same time.
Did she want to have sex with Dozie again? In front of her owner? Would her feelings show in her reactions? Would her Owner see what existed between them? Sex with Dee was always intense—she wasn’t sure if time would make much difference in that aspect. Mel was afraid now, truly afraid; the tears came of their own accord and she was grateful her head was bowed.
“What? You can’t speak anymore?” Her Owner asked Dozie.

Dozie looked up at him again.
“I won’t ‘fuck’ her again, not in your presence anyways. Why? For your entertainment? I’m not your slave okay? I came to see my friend, don’t be silly!” Dozie shot to his feet, spilling his beer in the process. Mel saw his feet move around her, clearly headed for the door.
“Call me when this man leaves Mel, I’ll take you for some ice cream or more wine. Grant her permission to.”
The door slammed and Mel jerked at the sound, the struggle to sob quietly caused her to shake uncontrollably.
Dozie just told her Owner what to do, which in turn made things worse and he didn’t know it—his temper was never pretty. Mel sighed.
Through her tears, she saw her Owner’s shoes move away from her towards the bedroom. She was unable to move, from both fear and no instruction as to whether she should follow or not. She was afraid to move, afraid to wipe her tears, afraid to breathe even, she was terrified!
What would Sir do to her now? Her mind ticked off the toys in the box and she was trying to figure out what her punishment would be. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t hear Sir walk back into the living room, or the chain he dragged behind him. She didn’t know anything going on around her until she felt the cold metal on her back and she squealed, whipping her head up.
“Ah. You missing him that much you don’t even remember I’m here anymore? Are you trying to push me farther today, pet?” His voice was calm and crooning, smooth, verbally petting her. He only used this tone of voice after play; Mel could not fathom what Sir was thinking. The chain was going round her middle now, under her arms and in between her legs.
“You’re wet…hmmm”
He secured one loose end with a padlock at her back, letting the remaining length drape across her shoulder and land on her thigh. Sir situated himself on the couch where Dozie was sat prior, carefully avoiding the puddle of beer and with his foot, pushed her chin up.
“Look at me. Now!”
Mel’s head came up, her eyes meeting his at last. She inhaled and exhaled, trying to shut the valve of tears off. He was a beautiful man, his face still took her breath away every time.
“Tears. How beautiful. Shall we begin?”

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