INKTOBER DAY 23: Ancient

For me and my many selves, past and present, I have neglected centering Me.
A habit long formed, I now struggle in my 30s to uproot.
I am yet to find the root cause; they say so many of the behaviours exhibited as an adult have strong ties to traumas experienced as a child.
I know this is true for me because my childhood was trauma-ridden.
Now I am fighting to center Me in all aspects of my life.
For too long, for way too long, I have put other things—lovers, friends, work, money, vices—before myself, thinking I was doing it for me.
I deprived my Self of the nourishment only I can give to Me.
I fed the energy to other people and things and as a result my Self withers and dies.
For way too long.
So now, I am determined to bring me to the front and centre, for direct contact with the required energy source and levels I need.
This old tree of self neglect must be cut down.

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